Insightful Agents

Contact Dwyn Thudium
Dwyn has always had an interest in real estate. She contemplated getting her license right after college but the thought of commission only was a little scary. Then in 1994 the opportunity arose for her to make a career change and so she decided to give it a try. Dwyn has no regrets in her decision. There is nothing better than seeing her buyers’ eyes light up when they get the keys to their new home. The excitement of watching their dreams become reality hooked her.
No two sellers or buyers are alike, and Dwyn loves that she’s constantly learning new things about the industry. When Dwyn approaches a new home buyer, she stresses the importance of buying what they love— this is going to be their home, not just a house they live in. Buying a home is a scary move. It will be the biggest investments they will ever make. Dwyn wants to make the transition as smooth as possible, so she strives to make every seller or homebuyer comfortable with their decision because this process is about them. The biggest reward for her is watching a her clients move forward with their dreams.
Crown III Realty might not be the biggest firm in town, but they are mighty, and Dwyn loves the family atmosphere that Crown III Realty promotes. She’s happy to share that excitement with buyers and sellers.